Random Mess
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Cures For Boredom
Chapter Two

            "Your friends had better not interrupt us," said Rusty Hammer, Senior to his son, well aware of their conversation.


            "Don't worry Dad, Abby is only going to be out here with me so I can show her where some of the glasses and stuff are."


            "You sure you can handle that?" asked Mr. Hammer sarcastically and rhetorically.


            "Don't worry about it Mr. Hammer I'll be in good hands," said Abby, with the intent of Mr. Hammers remark going over her head.


            Mr. Hammer chuckled.  "I'm sure you will be," was his last comment before leaving.


            "I know I will be," said Rusty shooting Abby a knowing glance.


            "You're such a sex freak!" replied Abby with a sassy attitude.


            "I know you are, but what am I?" joked Rusty before lifting Abby on top of the bar.


            "You watch Pee Wee's Big Adventure way too much," giggled Abby.


            Meanwhile, Brynn was entering a coffee shop, but not one of the stereotypical New York-styled ones where the cast of Friends could be pictured at or a folk singer.  This coffee shop reflected Brynn's brother Anton's tastes.  He was wannabe pro-skateboarder, so of course the coffee shop served cheap beer and its walls were black and blood red with punk band posters, some well known and others not.


            "Oh lucky me, look who it is," said Brynn sitting down at the booth with her brother and his best friend since kindergarten, Mick, who always made a point to irritate her.


            "Yeah Brynn, I know," began Mick.  "I'ts not often you get to sit next to a stud like me." 


Mick was quite a bit like her brother in many respects.  He was a skateboarder and at times a self-described punk, even though the biggest hardship he could claim he had was that he couldn't get any.  Their appearances were rather different.  Mick had messy hair that could use a trim, and Anton had a short, almost militant, cut.  Mick had the now popular lip ring to the side of his mouth, while Anton often boasted about his unscarred, unblemished skin.  Both guys, because of the friends they were, had matching tattoos of a punk rock chick on their forearm.  She was just a cartoon and not based on anyone, but they called her Betty.


            "Enough you two," said Anton fiddling with his beanie.


            "Fine big brother," said Brynn with a false cheer.  "Now," she said getting more serious.  "What do you want?"


            "Dad's worried about you lately," a surprisingly solemn Anton said.  "He's afraid you're not doing anything with your life, like you have no goals."


            "At least he's got one kid with a purpose," cut in Mick.


            "Hey, I have goals, okay?" Brynn stated almost angrily.


            "Oh yeah, like what?" questioned Anton.


            "I want to be a weather girl."


            Anton looked blankly at his sister, that couldn't believe he was only one year older than.  "That's just plain stupid.  You can't place all your faith into something that not many people make money in, like the news."


            "Right, and skateboarding is such a safe bet," insulted Brynn.  "Anyway, I do have a back up plan."




            "I'm a bartender, it's fun and I get paid for it."


            "That's what skateboarding is to us," said Mick.


            "You actually get paid?" asked an upset Anton.


            "Yeah in contests and when I scam people, don't you?"


            "No dude, that sucks.  I'm way better than you and I don't get anything," Anton whined.


            "Dude, what are you talking about?  You're the one that always gets laid!" shouted Mick.


            Anton smiled at the thought of his many conquests.  He was known to be a bit of a ladies man, but unfortunately for him, Brynn was known for cock blocking him when he got near her friends.


            "Okay boys, I'm going to the club," declared Brynn getting up.


            "We're going!" the two shouted in unison.  They were frequenters of the club and often tried to offer semi-drunk girls a ride home.  None of them were that drunk though.